Monday, June 15, 2015

Summer 2015 Update

Summer is here and so is my much awaited update about us all - a tad late this year! It has mostly got to do with the fact that we tackled a completely different academic year in a different country - starting August 2014 to June 2015. And dare I say, the threesome came out looking AWESOME! But then, this is how we keep things interesting for them. Believe you me - all that we do, including international moves for the family - we do it for the kids and no other reason! haha! 

Gotta love the lighting in this photo! Taken totally candidly and without preparation while they did what they do best - bond together in front of the TV! I know, I know, bad parenting and all that! But this picture is also representative of them:
Arjun - calm, kind, still boyish but holding on to the TV remote decisively! All of 14 and making the rules!
Ana - staying on top of it all, singing along, adding joie de vivre! Almost 10 and breaking the rules!
Krish - laid back and mellow until his favorite beat comes along, at which point he becomes a live wire and a ball of energy! Nearly 7 and no rules apply to him!

The school year was challenging, to say the least. All of them struggled bravely, not so much with academics but more with the new system and language/ accent/ american-isms. Krish was called out on day 2 of school for not being able to 'make a cupcake'. I brought it to his teacher's notice that he knows it as a 'muffin' or 'cake' - as it is known everywhere else in the world. While trying to solve his word problems, Arjun wanted to know what is this animal called 'Mississippi' and how long is it really? Ana authored a story for a writing project in class in which the 18 year old protagonist 'adopts and nurtures' a 35 yr old woman in distress. Interesting that there is no concept of age! 

They felt out of place on the quite street in Palo Alto where we have moved. It is a big departure from Ozone and Bangalore. At first, they were the only 3 children who played on the street and in the front yard, drawing surprised yet approving looks from the neighbors. Soon, we discovered that there were several children on the street but they prefer their iPads or go to formal 'classes' and 'camps' all the time. Nevertheless, their enthusiasm has brought a bunch of playmates out on to the street quite a few times during the past months.

All 3 of them have successfully found their way into local soccer leagues - Arjun had the biggest struggle of all. Competition is stiff at his age and he went to several tryouts. Eventually he attended a Futsal (Brazilian style football) clinic to bring up his technique standards. Fast forward to today, his coach Anton considers him to be 'invaluable' to the team. Kudos to Arjun! All this while tackling middle school to start his journey as a high schooler! And wow - the prevalent system feels intimidating! But Arjun shows a quite confidence about it. He is ready! High school - bring it on! 

Ananya is shining through with theater, dramatics and singing. She was a part of a theater production during the school year and she is pursuing it during the summer as well. She wants to read Hamlet and other Shakespearean works. Her Nani thought she is too young for it, but I signed her up! The earlier, the better - especially if she is seeking it! School year also went off well, but I do think she could make more friends. She is athletic, a focused worker, and high performing. She seems to have found her groove. She would love to go back to learning Bharatnatyam, and I need to figure it out. 

Krish has shown huge enthusiasm with his school, his new friend circle, cub scouts, and soccer. He is known in his school to have a constant smile on his face. He started off the school year calling everybody 'Dude'! I caught on to it only a couple of weeks later and realized that he had devised that method because he found it difficult to remember and pronounce those foreign sounding names (as opposed to Rajesh, Ramesh, Suresh, Vishnu, etc). I think he is ingenious to come up with this 'work around'. I am convinced he is going to be just fine and he will take care of himself in tough situations.

Life stays interesting with them doing their thing! Please continue to bless them and stay in touch. It takes a village, and we need 3 villages for the 3 of them. Come visit us - California is sunny, clean and beautiful all year long. And as you can tell, there is never a dull moment!

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Summer 2014 Update

It is that time of the year again - the school year is out! Or mostly! And of course, how can you not get my little update regarding the Super Cool - Bengaluru - South of the Border - Nilekani - Khannas! 

The kids are awesome - and are growing progressively taller and thinner! Of course, I worry myself sick about it! I don't know how to get their body to absorb nutrients and fat - and for the life of me - I don't know how to get MY body to NOT do it!

This year is a little off - for Arjun! The poor thing is still toiling through Grade 7. Not only did he do great in his ICSE curriculum and took his final exams last month (Yaaaaaay!) - but now he is continuing through with IGCSE Grade 7. This is a 'bridge course' - to help him change curriculum to IGCSE from next academic year. He is not too happy about it because while his ICSE friends are playing in the sun, he still goes to school!! 

But he is braving it out - like a trooper! He is making new friends, learning new things. Of course - he is a multi-tasker! Arjun ran the group relay at the Bengaluru Midnight Marathon in December and and drove his team to the bronze status! He has been consistently getting certificates of merit in Biology, Physics and Chemistry - history repeats, eh Ajay? He is gunning for Black Belt status in Kung-fu in July! If you find him drumming on a table or a surface all the time, it is because he is playing tabla kaydas in his head a lot!  

Ana whips through her competitive exams - be it ASSET, annual athletic meets, SAMVIT inter school competition, national olympiad, or clay modeling! Her demeanor is focused and competitive. She thinks her best talent is singing - but she takes Bharatnatyam lessons, holds a blue belt in Kung-fu and her room is full of creative craft work! Her school thinks she is fabulous and an 'A' student! 

Krish is the home bully - and he is hilarious! He bullies Arjun and Ana now - apart from the adults! He wears a Krish 3 mask to bed, dances with abandon to all tunes and lip-syncs to all songs - always creating music in his head! He is a combination of Spiderman, Krish 3, Jeevan and Bheem from Mahabharat - depending on the time of the day! His school thinks he has great talent with Math and blocks. He grows plants and helps with composting in the garden. He wants to sell Ace Khanna (the dog) - to buy 2 baby squirrels!

Please continue to bless them and give your good advice - it takes a village to bring up a child! Here is wishing all of you a lovely and lazy summer - and come visit Bangalore soon! 

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Mother's Day 2014

Dearest Arjun, Ana and Krish,

Mother’s Day is coming up, and I thought I should tell you what I want. This way there’s no guilty panic or last minute purchasing of flowers. So, this is what I want, this year and every year after.

I want you to be a decent human being – but have Big Dreams.

I want you to be who you are, but don’t be a jerk.

Dream Big – and Work Hard at everything you do, because life is too short not to give it everything you’ve got.

I want you to ask for help when you need it. I want you to help others when they need it.

I want you to learn how to cook, do your own laundry, pay your bills and know how to clean a bathroom like me

When you screw up, and you will, more than once - I want you to own it, because it’s the screw-ups that make the victories sweeter.

I want you to travel, because the world is huge and you are one part of it – and learn about different cultures.

I want you to know that even when we hate each other, I will never stop loving you. In fact, I can lay down my life for you every day of the week! I am always here for you.

I want you to play nicely with others.

I want you to feed your curiosity – and learn about new things and new languages.

I want you to find a way to do what you love, and realize that that might look different than you originally thought.

I want you to respect every human being’s right to be who they are.

I want you to know that you are flawed and you are extraordinary. There is no one else like you.

I want you to realize how lucky you are every once in a while even if only for an instant.

I want you to relax and not feel guilty about it – and also eat chocolate sometimes.

I want you to know life can be brutally hard sometimes.

PRAY – it helps you everyday!

I want you to know that you can choose happiness and light even when the dark side offers you cookies.

And I wouldn’t mind breakfast in bed.



Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Water and Sustainability – Obscure? Technical? Overwhelming?

As a common citizen with no technical background in water and environmental sustainability areas – how was I to understand, digest and further take action on the huge and overwhelming problems surrounding us? All these BIG problems related to Water and Sustainability! Water and it’s related problems are ubiquitous. Water is all around usand yet, water is not totally benign. It feels like the day of reckoning – where the effects of all past mistakes and misdeeds catch up!
As an example – some questions constantly come up: If we have water but our neighbors don’t, what can happen? Can we truly be water secure as a community? Inside community walls? And if the sewage around you is not treated and discharged into storm water drains and the rajakaluves – straight out into the lake, seeping into the ground, then are you really safe? Will that not come back to haunt you soon enough? And then, you see that lake frothing over each time you pass by it – and related stench and dirty outflow into the fields.
I did feel overwhelmed by the enormity of it all – and it all seemed too technical and too obscure. Somewhat like this!
I decided to do something about it. I applied to the subject of water – some skills from the corporate world. Initial due diligence helped form a mental picture– no judgments made, just information gathering. Then you start to look at the numbers and timelines and trends and barriers and drivers – assessing it like an approachable market. You dig deeper – figuring out the entire model – from start to finish – and the related industries and products and adjacencies and the whole landscape. Then you seek out experts and consultants and researchwith years of experience in the space, only to validate your understanding. You then articulate it – as one would do about a product. And so you create a framework!  – and a Model cant be too far behind.
So here it is – the G C T model for Water Sustainability. When done correctly, this model leads to results.
G for Generation of Water – This is about creating a clean, sustainable source of water. This is nothing new – a Byzantine city used stone structures as condensers, depositing moisture from air to a basin,which connected to wells. 
Ancient temples in India were nevebuilt without tanks – Kalyanis – they have always caught rainwater. Guess rainwater was considered holy water! Generation includes ground recharging at different levels, rainwater harvesting and many such efforts.
C for Conservation of Water – This teaches you to treat water as a precious resource!
It is simply about using gadgets at home which reduce water consumption by 30 – 40% just by being there. In most countries, plumbing already has these checks in place. There is a little denial involved – very little change in lifestyle. A culture shift!  Also – it is about using various sources of water in tandem with each other to achieve effectiveness in conservation – including potable/ drinking water, grey water and black water.
Finally – T stands for Treatment and Safety of Water – This completes the cycle. Treatment can actually result in generation – G – and that is how it completes the cycle! 
Water Treatment gives you adequate methods to ensure that water is safe for consumption, but doing it in a responsible way. Treatment also includes sewage treatment and similar techniques which ensure use of every drop of water is used to it’s utmost limit and actually allowing a community to create a ‘zero waste’ environment. Really? YES – Really!
Staytuned – we will tell you some success stories next!

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Calling our Water Warriors!

Did you catch Whitefield Rising’s INKtalks Water event at Jagriti on Saturday April 5thKiran Khanna ? You know I am just another concerned Whitefield citizen – just like you! I want to mention that I was ecstatic to see the turnout on Saturday! Thank you for spending your morning with us, and for all your questions and concerns throughout the event!
Firstly – if you have not done so already, we urge you to complete the water survey. I have decoded some initial statistics for us – here is our story today…
  • Nearly 50% of us buy tanker supplied water – we are not really self sustained!
  • 80% of our borewells are greater than 600 ft deep – if you recall Alok of T-Zed told us that his borewells are in the range of 120 to 200 ft. We are digging deeper, spending more resources.
  • Our average water consumption is between 400 – 1000 liters per person/ per day – as opposed to average government estimates at 150 liters per person/ per day!
While we all worry about the deteriorating water conditions in Whitefield – the good news is that the solution is in our hands! And another piece of good news is
Pic4that if we do our piece, and tell others about it – we can inspire them to take their steps! Whitefield Rising is your platform as there is success in numbers!
    • The presentations for the water event are available over here.If you want to assess your community’s re-charge, harvest, grey-water/eco-STP proposal, we are here to help! We can offer (some of us, pro-bono) opinions and share our
    • experiences.
If you are about to start a re-charge, harvest, grey-water/eco-STP project, we want to hear about it, blog and broadcast your efforts and successes on our website.
  • If you want to join hands to work on the ‘larger picture’ – including start conversations with BWSSB, work on cleaning up our wonderful lakes and more, please write to water.warriors@whitefieldrising.orPic2g
Below are the speakers contact details for you – feel free to reach out to the experts. But do circle back about your efforts to to help us help you :)
Little Drops of Water – we want Water Warriorsl!Kiran KhannaNitya  +91 +91-9741351304
Masagi’s War For WaterAyyappa MasagiFounder, Rain Water  +91-9448379497
Lifecycle of a Water DropSekar SrinivasanFounder, Ecoserv
Sewage StoriesRajesh ShahHead, Peer Water +91-9740322557
Our Early SuccessesArvind KeerthiAlok +91-9902012104
A Larger ImpactMala SubramaniumCEO, +91-9620945800
Wake the LakeSuresh +91-9845042117
Varthur Lake – What will it take?Anuradha HegdeConsultant, Action Research +91-9845044818
The Government as a StakeholderManjunatha PrasadConsultant, Action Research +91-8277336679
Low Energy STPTharun KumarDirector, Paradigm Environmental +91-7259002986

Saturday, March 29, 2014

The Story of a Water Warrior- Getting Started!

I want to start by telling you a little about myself. I am just a regular corporate citizen. My family moved to Whitefield a little over 5 years ago. As time went by, I grew increasingly concerned about our overall water situation. All signs were around me – to be noticed and to be enacted upon! The frothing smelly lake, the water tankers, the super-advanced methods being used for water treatment across all communities, Cauvery or no Cauvery, water borne diseases and mosquitoes – and ominous warnings about the possible 2023 Bangalore evacuation because of lack of water.
blog1 pic1Throughout the year – I would see the ubiquitous water tanker and think – why are we getting our water from miles away for our regular consumption?
From where are they getting these tankers? Somebody within driving distance has water to spare and we need to buy it from them? And just how do these vendors justify large amount of transport related leakages? Do these water tankers give a certificate of water quality?
blog1 pic2Then what you see during the rains is a watery mess! Floods happen really fast –  and water is unable to drain out. Why are we water logged and flooded on our main street? Where are the storm water drains? Don’t they function? Should the big vents lining the roads be filled with sewage? What happened to the famous Rajakaluves of Bangalore?
blog1 pic 3As I got more and more interested, I started learning more. Did you know that borewell technology did not exist in India in the 1960s – but now I see those large borewell drilling equipment everywhere. These are called super rigs.
A few years ago they used to hit water at 200 ft or so, now they are going as deep as 1000 ft to get anything. And the quality of water is totally suspect. Why is ground water deteriorating in quality?
Water is not as available as it used to be and it is not completely benign. As an example, in my community we felt a growing need to treat water –to prevent water related issues. Everything – from our pipelines to our appliances to our health can get affected.
V Balasubramanian, the former Additional Chief Secretary of Karnataka said that there are over 300,000 borewells in Bangalore city alone – and the ground water drawn is almost three and a half times the water available to recharge the same area!
This means that we keep taking and taking – without giving back! How can this be sustainable? Does this seem like sheer injustice to you? Somebody is not thinking this through!
So what next? Keep in touch to hear more thoughts.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Summer 2013 Update

The school year is out! Yaaaaaaay - and the Khanna kids came out looking pretty good! 
Of course we think that all 3 are super cool and a lot of fun. Each one has a distinct personality and this picture captures them completely.
  • Ana is the princess, and gets her way all the time.
  • Krish is Ana's 'Mary's little lamb' - following her lead in most things. Except when it comes to any mechanical flying object - which he obsesses about in every waking hour. He is 4 yrs old but can already tell you the visible difference between the F2 Typhoon and F3 Tornado. (fyi - these are fighter jets) 
  • Arjun is the 'crushed one' - among the 3. But he has managed to find his following - with Ace Khanna, who literally licks his footsteps. 
And this is what their schools had to say:

Krish is happy and affectionate. He is a leader to his peers - in a kind and helpful way. He has a vivid imagination and is very physical as well. He loves new ideas and different experiences - never shies away. He is musical minded - forever playing a beat under his breath as he works in class.

Ananya's report card at school looks great - she is an "A" student doing well in Math, French and Environmental Sciences. She has gorgeous handwriting and loves art - I will ask her to write you letters or make cards if you give me your snail mail address - she loves doing that! Ana has a green belt in Taekwondo and she is trying to become an ace swimmer - a little reluctantly :( Ana's teachers tell me that she has a glorious voice that needs to be trained - I will try to help her with it. I want her to take up Hindustani classical vocal. Do you have any better suggestions?

Arjun' academic report card showed a marked improvement in all round performance this year. Admittedly, it was a difficult transition for him from IB to ICSE curriculum. He scores A++ in enthusiasm - he loves school and his set of friends! :) :) He scored straight "A" in Math, Science and Computers. He participated and won for the school in various track and field meets. Arjun also won his first football championship this year. He already has a red belt in Taekwondo and aiming for brown belt this year. He is playing the tabla with a lot of gusto - learning from panditji every Sunday. (for this - he is a little reluctant :( )  

Please continue to bless them and give your good advice - it takes a village to bring up a child! Here is wishing all of you a lovely and lazy summer - and come visit Bangalore soon!

The Bangalore Khannas